Crystal Etienne

Meet Crystal Etienne, the Black Female Founder of a $80M Femtech Company – Built In Just 6 Years Crystal Etienne, founder and CEO of Ruby Love, is making impressive strides in the female tech industry, including securing one of the largest rounds of funding in history for a company founded by a solo Founder and Black woman. Crystal Etienne is a mother, wife, and successful businesswoman. Not only is she the CEO of Ruby Love, Crystal is also the Co-Founder of the Capital Investment firm CaJE Inc. where she invests her own personal money and wealth into Black women entrepreneurs along with her husband Jean Etienne. Crystal is well-known for

bootstrapping Ruby Love(previously Panty Prop Inc) to over $10M dollars in revenue. She has successfully built the Ruby Love brand to a $80M+company in under 6 Years. She is the inventor of Period Swimwear and holds a Patent for her innovative period apparel technology. Crystal is currently focused on investing in the potential of Black women.